About Me

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I'm a 20 year old art and English major, part-time librarian, and struggling freelance writer. I really, really, really love tea. I used to have a rat puppet named Larry, but I lost him. I now have a elephant puppet named Bim. I want to be a filmmaker someday. I think that if you use "qua" conversationally you should be forced to wander the outskirts of society, proclaiming "Unclean! Unclean!" with your every step. Also, zombie movies are cool.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Bad Start to Blogging

Just started out as an associate editor for Dark Moon Digest, and extremely happy with that! I finished off my first three stories in one day, so that’s pretty exciting. A few notes about things I’ve learned so far:
-Brand name dropping and pop-culture references are the most annoying things you can put into a story!
-Ham-fisted conservatives read this magazine. (No idea why…)
-When you edit in the library, people look at you weird. This is increased considerably when you don’t brush your hair.
-Gentle, soothing meditation music is just perfect for editing, while David Bowie is… more distracting (albeit sexy… sexy distracting… so, so, sexy…)
-It’s hard to edit when you’re a dyslexic whole-word reader. (“What? He made it pubic???? Oh… nope. He made it public. Makes more sense now….”)
-Hardly anyone writes straight-forward scary stories anymore. It’s all so tongue-in-cheek now. =[ Why? We have such a great plethora of new ways to scare people! Just look at the success of the Splat Pack!
-I can edit other people’s works way better than my own.
-I still don’t like The Chieftains’ music. They’re a boring, overrated band and Sigur Ros kicks their backwoods little ass. Seriously, why do people like them?

Hardly a great start at blogging, I suppose. Though, apparently it’s something “to do” if you are into the arts. “Get your voice out there!” “Keep track of your ‘creative pursuits’.” It all seems slightly lame, but here’s to attempts, and I have such a smashing little title for the whole thing. So, that’s sexy, anyway. Which reminds me of David Bowie…

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